Its been two days since Orientation came to a close, and frankly, I’m getting that warm fuzzy feeling about it. Even if I thought there was room for improvement in the planning. Even if I felt that some of the activities were just there to brainwash us to become SAJC-ians. Whatever. It was fun, and I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed it. From every nit-bitty detail – the different Kingdoms, the mildly suggestive songs and cheers used and even the awesome OGLs.
How does one feel when one is dragged kicking and screaming from a vegetative state (yes, holidays do eventually become boring) into a world of uncertainty? I remember it started rather awkwardly, the only respite being a chatty girl in my OG – Ashley, who also happens to be Donovan’s church friend. Team bonding games, school tours, awkward conversations; I guess those three statements sufficiently sum up the first day of school at SAJC.
In case you are wondering, yes I am far too lazy to continue typing a little paragraph for each day. Every day starts with an early morning – 5.30 am to be precise. God, it was terrible getting used to such a brutal hour, especially after the erratic sleep cycles I’ve developed over the holidays. Meeting up with Ashley, Benedict and Donovan over the past few days did make the new environment a little less foreign. And the totally awesome OGL Joel, along with the (on a large part) friendly OG mates, did also help me settle into this new school. It was team-building games every day, mass dances every day (hints, Shake It and Rockin’ Robin), crazy queues at the Cafeteria. So much crazy in just a span of 5 days. Oh and lest not forget the school hymns and songs… some are awfully tacky, while others are so slow they are actually moving (oddly enough though).
Well I guess this is a new chapter in my life. Just gotta deal with it. Oh and P.S. I want to join Student Council at SAJC…
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