Mars is French for March (continuing with my infatuation with the French language). Anyway, the March break has been quite a busy period for me. That being said, I am thoroughly happy that my block tests were over before the start of the holidays, so I do not have the pressure of studying intensely hard during this period. (My sympathies to those who have tests after this period). Various things happened throughout the course of this holidays (which at this point in time, isn’t exactly over):
01. COUNCIL Leadership Training Camp. I’ll be honest here, I only went for two days of this camp (it was a four day affair). Why you might ask, well I blame it on my emotional state prior to the camp, along with the fact that I was going to miss the school’s academic programme had I stayed on for the last two days (well actually the emotional thingy is interlinked with this). Just 2 days before the camp, I was about to break down because I felt the inability to study – every day was filled with tests, and yet I was reading my notes just the day before, albeit unsuccessfully. Back to the part about the camp. I do not deny my apprehension before attending the camp, in fact I contemplated/debated with myself on whether I should attend the camp. I compromised. Two days. Oh I lost my shoe bag. This camp was one of pushing limits, all of us were tired prior to it, given the week of tests we had. None of us wanted to be made to do push-ups every hour. None of us wanted to be made to sweep beans (14 1.5l worth) off the floor of a lecture theatre with our bare hands. Twice. Then mop up the whole place. A lot of the camp was physically, mentally and emotionally stressful. But I do not regret attending the two days. In that span of time, I got to know some of my fellow councilors better – we are after all, in one Council, the 33rd SAJC Student Council! This was something that I wouldn’t have been able to achieve had I skipped the camp in its entirety. And yes, this is a little bullshitting here, but there are lessons to be learnt from the activities. I disagree that EVERY activity was meaningful, in fact, some of it felt just downright pointless and humiliating (I believe I left before the worst), but I acknowledge that at least, there was a certain intention to every activity, each one was planned with a lesson to be learnt. I’ll leave my LTC experiences at this.
02. ACADEMIC Programmes – What’s a holiday in JC without lessons eh? Well I’m just thankful (as mentioned in the 1st paragraph) that this did not occupy the whole of my holidays, unlike an unfortunate church friend of mine. It was really useful though, I’m somewhat glad I missed the physical, mental and emotional burdens of the camp for these two days of lectures. I doubt I would have been able to catch up on the barrage of information dished out during these lectures. Just about everything was a new topic being taught. I hope my fellow councilors would be able to catch up too.
03. LEARNING about the various divisions in 10A04, and SAJC (Okay, I’m slow), was quite disheartening. Its so early on in the year, and already, people are holding on to their preconceived notions of others, how some may seem bratty or bitchy to others. That being said, I do not deny that I have been guilty of doing the same, but I’m trying to let it go. So should everyone else. She may have grapes and tails, but she can be nice. I think.
04. ICE skating with the church people (Kenneth, Elliot, Joel, Phyllis, Iman, Agnes, Nicole, Anthea), you guys (and girls) are simply awesome. And to Joel, if you’re reading this, congrats on learning how to ice skate! Oh and there was this sorta cute (emphasis on the ‘sorta’) German child who tagged along with us, hope you had fun on your holiday. And stop kicking people with your skates, they can injure others.
05. NOSTALGIC moments with my past. That came out weird. Thursday night was simply great. I got to meet up with one of my closest friends in Secondary School (hey Shashank), my favourite English teacher Mdm Norhani, and two other awesome people (Benedict and Farina). It was great to see everyone (figurative usage here) and to know that they are doing fine. Gossiped a little, had a simple but sincere meal, ate great ice-cream, and window-shopped! Okay the last part was kinda wasted, I would have preferred to actually get something, but well, nothing really tickled my fancy. Except this:
Sand Suede Shoes – Zara
I’m simply infatuated with them now. Perhaps I should get them, just that they are a little pricey at SGD 169. Or maybe the variation in a dark leather (that’ll be easier to keep clean).
Anyway, the holidays has been really kind to me, this one at least, and I am truly thankful for the rest time that I managed to get. I do however hope that I’ll cope better with the upcoming new term.
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