Saturday. My goodness, it was a busy day. 8.30 am, Mathematics tuition. 3 pm, Chinese tuition. But that’s not the worst part. Finding out at 12 pm that I had to rush down to Bishan to collect the tickets, that was the killer that made me panic like a lizard who had just lost his tail. Wait, that came out weird. Anyway I don’t blame anyone for the outcome of the day, its just that the chaos and pandemonium of the day killed me. Oh and then there was Impressions 2010 (its my secondary school’s band concert), held at Victoria Concert Hall. Not as grand as the Esplanade (odd right, I mean, it is after all a colonial building, I guess its just too rundown). I’m so glad I also managed to get my really good friend Shashank down there with me as well, even though he was quite apprehensive about going for the concert in the first place.
Sorry, my writing is rather messy at the moment.
Anyway, we had a nice dinner just before the concert at Aerin’s, average service, acceptable food, but nice white wine (okay, underage drinking, but so what right?). Though the last part wasn’t probably such a wise option given the fact that I was about to/already fall(ing) sick. Anyway we trod our way to the concert hall, where my gosh, everyone (exaggeration here) from my secondary school past was there. Ignored most of them I did. Whatever.
The rest of the concert was really a bore. With the exception of the giddiness I felt during the latter part of the concert, and the terrible pain in my right knee that I felt (for some odd reason. Its still going on till today). Despite feeling kinda unwell, I still ventured around Clark Quay and Raffles Place for a little longer with Shashank, just chatting and catching up. Bad idea. The next day was hell.
FEVER, A TERRIBLE THROAT, you name it, I’ve got it (this of course is a hyperbole). Thank God for the wisdom to get me to see a doctor. Turns out I had a throat infection. Wonderful. With that came a 2 days MC, a week long excuse from PE (did I mention that my right knee hurts for some reason?) and a $60 bill. Along with some medicine of course.
Gosh I’m too lazy to continue writing. Anyway I’m feeling a lot better now. Thankfully. Now to worry about catching up with 2 lost days of school and Commendation rehearsals…
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