Or perhaps too little [time]. Council’s been really busy lately. Busy might even not fully convey the impact of how strenuous and hectic the council term is currently. Few things are keeping me really occupied lately:
1. Teacher’s Day dance rehearsals
2. Grad Night publicity related business
3. Everyday school work
On top of that, the 3rd semester’s MSAs are coming up soon (in a week’s time), and I’m hardly, if even, prepared for it. I’m pretty sure everyone is feeling this same stress though, so if there’s any consolation to my predicament, its that everyone else is also going through it (be it in Poly or in JC).
Oh and dance is pretty fun, especially because the whole council is involved in it. Really nice, and awesome to see the whole council working together for something. (Insert warm fuzzy feeling here) This despite the fact that I am far from being dance material. And also despite the fact that a trauma of the past (pertaining to dance) still haunts me. *sniggers* And also the earlier part of council term when I do not deny, I was quite flippant about it (hey, I’m changing, I’m human too right?).
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