Two thirds of the year has passed, pretty fast might I add. More significant than that is the fact that it passed so quickly. God-speed. Well metaphorically speaking of course. Though that phrase itself is rather ironic in terms of usage. I mean God was said to have created the world in 7 (God) days, but the earth is around 4.5 billion (man) years old.
I digress.
Many changes have happened thus far. Firstly, and most obviously, is how time seems to be flying away from me. The same 24 hours that just a few months ago seemed sufficient suddenly make me feel as if I have been shortchanged. So many things are jostling for the same few hours that I have apart from the time spent in school – homework, exams, council, church… Well actually its just those few. I’m sad to admit it (especially for church), but what you see above is pretty much how I have prioritised things in my life at this point. I have been missing my Friday cell for quite a while already, given how busy council has been these few weeks/months. I’m not too sure about the latter, but it seems so at least.
Days turn to weeks, weeks to months. I’m losing track of time.
Days pass, I follow. Days pass, I forget.
What day is it?
That being said, while council is rather time consuming at this particular period, I would not say that it is an awful time. Rather, its enjoyable, but extremely draining and equally time consuming. Well that’s what I get for deciding to give a leadership CCA a try. I wonder what if I had joined something a little less demanding, say Art Society or something along that line. And in case you are wondering, yes, thoughts of quitting council have been surfacing in my head lately. Not because I hate it (I don’t). But more so because of how it feels like its pulling me in too many directions. Well they say what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. It has yet to do so. Besides, I am certain that God put me in this CCA for a reason, that no one is here by chance. I’m glad that the challenges that council provides help me to turn to God, even if I’m missing cell, even if I’m feeling down, even if I’m feeling tired… I still have Him. Anyway council has been quite interesting lately, Grad Night publicity, Open House 1, Teacher’s Day dance item etc. Yes it is a hell lot of work, but I’m not (okay I am) complaining.
In this span of months, I’ve been through 3 exams, 2 minor, one major. Okay, the last bit of that sentence sounds a little musical. Which leads me to digress for a brief moment. I’ve stopped music classes for a long while, for a good two thirds of the year. Simply put, I’ve been unable to find the time to practice, so I suppose any lessons would be somewhat pointless. I really hate to leave this dangling like that, considering how I’ve sacrificed a good many years learning to play the piano (I started when I was 6). And I’m unable to go any further, stuck at a 6.5 grade, nothing more. Oh well. I sincerely hope that I can try resuming piano classes after council stops for a study break in about a week or so.
Back to the point of exams. JC exams. Wow they really are different from those at the Os. The different weightage of subjects leads you to prioritise the importance of the subject. Like, I try really hard at my H2 subjects: Economics, Mathematics and Literature, while I’m mostly sidelining my H1 subjects, with the exception of GP. Another killer thing about JC exams is how close they are to each other. Just barely a few weeks after my first JC paper – MSA 1, I have my first major examinations – Common Tests. And no more than 4 weeks after that, I had my MSA 2. For some subjects, it seemed as if the teacher had just went through the previous exam script before we sat for the next one. This is probably one of the most straining aspects of JC life. Its little wonder why 2 people in my class have already dropped out for Poly.
I better stop for a minute. Yes I am listening to Keane now.
Oh and there is Project Work, and the multitude of acronyms that come with it. PI, EoM, AE, EE, ME, I&R, WR. Gosh, there are a hell lot of them. More confusing is how to score at this subject. It may be a H1 subject, but it is one that is coursework-based, i.e. Our grades are based on a cumulation of grades of separate work. See, JC students know what you guys are going through in Poly.
I’m pretty sure that just by reading this whole post, you should be convinced that most of my life now revolves around school and its associated pandemonium (irony much?)
I should get some rest. That’s something that I also lack…
You can tell by my dark eye rings,
my eye bags and the
lately red eyes that I have.
I wish for sleep
I wish for rest
I wish for respite
I wish for [God’s] help
I wish for solace.
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