1. I’m feeling really distant from church lately, especially when it comes to the sermons. Perhaps this is because I’ve been missing it for a while due to my exam preparations. I do fear however that I no longer find the sermons relevant. And yes, the thought of trying services at other churches like Cornerstone (basically those with a reputation for being biblically sound), which I will sooner or later I guess. I do doubt I’ll quite Grace though.
My mom used to say, grow where you are planted.
2. I am in the midst of my examinations now – my promos to be specific and damn they are a real big deal in JC. I’m just glad that mine constitutes 60% of my final grade, and not 100% like some other JCs. Its been really difficult to (start and continue) studying, there’s always the persistent impulse to take a nap, or to “take a break”. I just wonder how I’ll do.
Papers completed: H1 General Paper, H1 Chinese, H2 Economics, H2 Literature (P5)
Papers left: H2 Mathematics, H2 Literature (P1), H1 Physics
3. Grad Night and Council. I’m somewhat/mildly ticked that council activities have still been continuing this whole period despite the supposed study break that we were supposed to have. Thankfully, its been nominal. I suppose I’m more dissatisfied that the principal of a break is not respected?
4. I feel I have the tendency to push people away. Maybe subconsciously, I simply enjoy being alone? I’m not sure. Its probably quite difficult to access one’s subconscious psyche so I guess I’ll never know. Hmm… Do you (if there are any readers to this blog anyway) feel that I am this way? Oh gosh, I’m so chock full of insecurities. Hmm…
5. Lately, I’ve been using a lot of “hmm”s.
6. I cannot wait for the holidays.
7. I’m fearful of the future and the potential changes and loss it brings – Now I really sound like Lucille, a character in Housekeeping, my Literature text. Maybe I should adhere to society’s conventions. No. That’ll make me a dreadfully boring person, devoid of my quirks.
I’m getting bored with the list.
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