Madness, gender relations, technology. These were just some of the themes explored in Chin Woon Ping's Dairy of a Madwoman, which, courtesy of the SAJC drama club's performance on Friday night, gave me a chance to get out of the house. (Okay, perhaps I am exaggerating this a wee bit.)
I must say, I quite enjoyed the play, especially for its staging - the simple setting served both metaphorical and actual significance, and served only to highlight the intensity of [one of] the actor(s). But what bothered me was this: The play explored simply too many themes, to the point that its message of feminine struggle was lost underneath the mess of criticisms on technology, cultural norms etcetera. But that was not the drama club's fault, [I believe] it was the playwright's.
Prying eyes [are everywhere]
The performance of one of the mad woman was really commendable, and equally so was the use of choric effects, to portray the masses as seemingly demonic (as is in the mind of the madwoman).
That being said, I think I enjoyed the time I spent with Ansen and Joel prior to the play more than the play itself - its been a while since I've been with friends outside of a school setting.
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