Image Credit: Ulso Tsang and ArchDaily
For some peculiar reason, I seem to find studio living particularly interesting; perhaps it might be because of my enjoyment of privacy (and perhaps even solitude at times).
Anyway regardless of my views on studio apartments, one thing for sure is that it is relatively hard to find any major faults in the above design, which is supposed to be inspired by the waters of nearby Victoria Harbour. Every minute detail seem to evoke solace or calming waves of water. That being said, here are my few gripes with the design: 1. The use of the awful yellow box-lights - it really does not compliment the natural light. Perhaps it'll work at night, but still. 2. That 'splash of water' picture on the wall - somehow, I feel that black marble would have created a nicer effect, one that pays homage to the motif of water without being too obvious. 3. The nasty vase in the bedroom, something a bit more traditional in form, and in glass would have been nicer. Regardless, it's still a wonderful apartment overall, and heck, I'd love to live there if I could.
Gosh I should be sleeping at this hour.
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