I’ve survived. Except I now ache inside out. Thank you, God.
Woah. Tomorrow’s a new month.
Tomorrow will be a long day.
Tomorrow will be tiring.
Tomorrow, I’ll need to rush with
Literature homework.
God help me.
God help Chile.
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I’ve been hunting high and low for a new pair of shoes… and finally, I think I’ve found a few that have captured me.
Puma’s Urban Mobility Collection, Fall/Winter 2010 (Click on image above to view more). Crazy shoes, and I don’t expect them to be cheap, since a bag from this range costs at least SG$300.
Evisu by Common Projects (Click on image above to view more). I’ve always had this deep love for their shoes. Its just so simple and non-fussy. The downside is, its outrageously pricey. A shoe by Common Projects costs around US$400. Thankfully, this collaboration seems to be about half of that. Still expensive none the less, but I’m sure that’ll make me really consider…
Fred Perry Chukka Boots. This is the only one that I’ve seen in person, or at least, something comparable. The one I’ve seen seems to be leather, not canvas, and costs SG$200. Do-able, but still pricey. And it doesn’t give me the same ‘orgasmic’ feeling as compared to the other shoes. Or perhaps I was never the biggest of Fred Perry fans (especially now that it’s a wee bit whored out)
I guess I’ll just have to wait.
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Bless the French language, it makes every thing seem so chic and sexy. ‘The Lectures’ became Les Conférences. Putting such superficiality aside, today was the first days of lectures at SAJC. It was also the day where our OGs were officially dissolved and replaced with our Civic Groups.
Entering a new school is full of new encounters. Just when I was starting to get acquainted with the people in my OG, I am tossed back into the sea of unfamiliarity – new and foreign faces, along with a barrage of seemingly unknown names I must face. Okay, I’m beginning to sound a wee bit like Yoda. Whatever. The only glimmer of hope is that 2 girls, Charmaine and Shermin, along with Joel Lim, are in the same Civic Group as me.
Anyone who knows me should very well know I am terrible with names. So far, all I remember, apart from the 3 familiar faces noted above, are Akim, Nat (I can’t even remember his full name, sorry), Alicia and a girl with a Chinese name. That’s barely a fifth of the group.
Today was also the first days of lectures (as stated above). Yes I am finally getting back to the main topic discussed in the first topic. I must say, lessons/lectures in JC are vastly different from those in SHSS/Secondary Schools.
First up, General Paper. Okay, it was an interesting subject, or at least, that’s my first impressions of it from Conférences Une. Sure, the lecturer was going really quickly, and it was a mad rush to take note of what she was saying. But the topic was interesting – The Evolution of Marriage Throughout the Ages. It would seem that men in the past could divorce their wives on frivolous conditions – being barren, and even being too talkative. Talk about women’s rights. And apparently there’s such a thing as ‘trial-marriages’. Totally an eye-opener.
Then there was Literature. Just a discretionary note, this will be a bitchy paragraph. Where do I begin? Apparently, to the head of the Literature department, being early for class is only a ‘glimmer of good’ in us students. She expected us to shuffle to different rows in 7 seconds. Its simply ab absurdo. I must also add that she does look rather man-ish. From her hair to her dressing (what dressing?)… Is she trying to compensate for something? Oh and that booming and commanding voice of hers. S.C.A.R.Y! The whole one hour was spent loudly declaring to us the EXPECTATIONS AND RULES of Literature class. Thankfully, there’s a redeeming trait to her – she speaks well. I mean, really well. She articulates and enunciates every word, well almost every word, crisply and clearly. The last consonants are there! (such a rare find in Singaporeans).
The last two lectures were H2 Mathematics, and H1 Physics. I must say that H2 Mathematics borders the incomprehensible – especially the notes. What the hell is ‘Permutations’? And I am supposed to remember A-Mathematics stuff? Good heavens. All of that has been lost to the deep abyss of my mind. Time to revise. And Physics, it seems manageable so far. That’s a good sign. I hope.
This will be the year to work really hard.
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Its been two days since Orientation came to a close, and frankly, I’m getting that warm fuzzy feeling about it. Even if I thought there was room for improvement in the planning. Even if I felt that some of the activities were just there to brainwash us to become SAJC-ians. Whatever. It was fun, and I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed it. From every nit-bitty detail – the different Kingdoms, the mildly suggestive songs and cheers used and even the awesome OGLs.
How does one feel when one is dragged kicking and screaming from a vegetative state (yes, holidays do eventually become boring) into a world of uncertainty? I remember it started rather awkwardly, the only respite being a chatty girl in my OG – Ashley, who also happens to be Donovan’s church friend. Team bonding games, school tours, awkward conversations; I guess those three statements sufficiently sum up the first day of school at SAJC.
In case you are wondering, yes I am far too lazy to continue typing a little paragraph for each day. Every day starts with an early morning – 5.30 am to be precise. God, it was terrible getting used to such a brutal hour, especially after the erratic sleep cycles I’ve developed over the holidays. Meeting up with Ashley, Benedict and Donovan over the past few days did make the new environment a little less foreign. And the totally awesome OGL Joel, along with the (on a large part) friendly OG mates, did also help me settle into this new school. It was team-building games every day, mass dances every day (hints, Shake It and Rockin’ Robin), crazy queues at the Cafeteria. So much crazy in just a span of 5 days. Oh and lest not forget the school hymns and songs… some are awfully tacky, while others are so slow they are actually moving (oddly enough though).
Well I guess this is a new chapter in my life. Just gotta deal with it. Oh and P.S. I want to join Student Council at SAJC…
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